Marketing & Web Development for 20+ years

Branding in Kent

At ExtraDigital we want to help you create a powerful brand for your business! This is where Branding in Kent can help.

ExtraDigital understands that your brand can be one of the most important marketing factors which can help you stand out from your competitors and influence your customers. Branding is much more than a logo, it can say what level of quality you provide, what value you are likely to provide ,how sizeable and robust you feel and perhaps, and most significantly, how confident you are as a business and in what you are selling.

Branding in Kent

At ExtraDigital we know it is important to follow the following branding principles

  • The branding must be honest and should reflect the ambitions of the company
  • All the branding that created should be original and unique
  • Come up with intelligent branding concepts that your competitors will be jealous they did not think of!

ExtraDigital understand that first impression is everything in business, we can work alongside you to research and find out exactly what your customers wish to see on the first impression. Whether managed or not, branding is about how your customer perceive you. It is about what you, your website (your virtual shop front), your brick-and-mortar shop front, your advertising or your media materials leave or infer in the minds of people you or they interact with.

Branding in Kent

Working with ExtraDigital on your brand

Whether you are looking for a company to help you with a logo to compliment your business’ current objectives or working with you to create a whole branding concept. ExtraDigital can help you ensure your brand is positioned correctly in the market place and differentiate yourself against competitors.

Contact a member of our team today on 01227 68 68 98 to find out more about Branding in Kent and our branding services. You can see our portfolio of branding work on our website as well as a number of testimonials from our clients.  We are a marketing and design agency, this means we can help you with more than just branding, we have the ability and knowledge to design and develop websites, marketing strategies, offer marketing consultancy and SEO and  PPC services to help your online marketing efforts.

Worldwide Marketing

Worldwide Marketing

ExtraDigital have a wealth of experience working in foreign languages in countries around the globe. Contact us today if you’re looking to open new markets and engage new audiences worldwide.

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Multilingual Marketing

15 languages

To date, ExtraDigital have developed digital experiences in over 15 languages, from Arabic to Chinese, German to Japanese. We also boast, native in-house speakers for key languages.

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