Chinese Website Development

When reaching out to a Chinese audience online, it’s likely you will need some development work.

From websites to apps, developing for a Chinese audience can help you reach this growing market for UK exports.

At ExtraDigital, we have been developing websites and online applications for multilingual projects including Chinese for over eight years. These projects include Chinese virtual learning platforms, micro-sites for tourism and online tools for Alcoa.

Chinese Web Development

Chinese Web Development

When developing for the Chinese market, you need to be aware of some key considerations including:

Design and Appearance

Successful Chinese online development needs to consider design and appearance. All development work must have a design that’s planned to be more than pretty; it needs to work for a Chinese audience.

Elements include:

  • The type of website designs suitable for the Chinese marketplace
  • The careful consideration of calls to action to ensure they are appropriate
  • Examples of imagery used must also be appropriate for the Chinese culture – for instance, did you know that black and white images are associated with funerals and death and so best avoided?

Chinese website Development

Technical Ability

How websites and applications are used in China differs from how Western audiences use them. Knowing this is key to making technical adjustments to the site from the code up.

Elements include:

  • People in China’s heavy use of mobiles means all development must be approached with a mobile-first view.
  • There are restrictions on the types of fonts that can be used on a Chinese website due to their incompatibility with many Chinese characters.
  • Slow internet connectivity in China means that websites need to be fast. Any elements that slow a site’s speed should be removed or optimised.

Strict Cultural Expectations

China has a strict censorship law, and all Chinese website development and online tools must be kept within these laws.

In addition, no company is legally allowed to operate a website in China without a Chinese business license. Gaining and keeping this license requires your site to be built with certain legal statements and disclaimers to protect your company and your business activity in China.

ExtraDigital can ensure that these legal statements and disclaimers are correct and in the most effective place on your website so that you can continue to operate in China.

Our Chinese Website Development Service

At ExtraDigital, we can guide you through development and develop a fantastic Chinese website or application.

To find out more contact us today on 01227 68 68 98 or tell us more about your business below.

Worldwide Marketing

Worldwide Marketing

ExtraDigital have a wealth of experience working in foreign languages in countries around the globe. Contact us today if you’re looking to open new markets and engage new audiences worldwide.

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Useful Reading

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Please be sure to tell us as much about your project as possible. Once we have received your enquiry, a member of our experienced team will get back to you to discuss your requirements.
