Marketing & Web Development for 20+ years
Ensuring that your Customers can Contact You
17 December 2015
Keeping your contact details up to date is important. With the number of places your contact details can be found – how do you keep …
Summer Inspired Content Marketing
31 July 2015
As the summer holidays arrive if you haven’t started already now can still be a great time for summer inspired content marketing. Giving your content …
Google’s Phantom update or Quality update
20 May 2015
Google’s Phantom update or Quality update
Google Mobilegeddon – Google Mobile changes
20 April 2015
Google is using its dominant power to make mobile searching better. As from today Google will start favouring websites that are mobile-friendly and websites that …
Dinosaurs, Classification and Search
8 April 2015
This week dinosaur lovers have the satisfaction of knowing that a Brontosaurus is its very own type (genus) of dinosaur, and no longer needs to …
Should SEO targets be keyword focused?
8 April 2015
The words SEO and keywords go together. You rarely hear one without the other, and they are very much related. But should your SEO strategy …
SEO Consultant – What to Ask
17 March 2015
Top question to ask your SEO consultant to make sure they know their stuff. Having worked in digital marketing for over 12 years I’ve seen …
How does search engine share vary across the world?
7 March 2015
Looking at the map, what do the highlighted countries have in common? The answer is these countries have less than 80% of the search market …
Assessing the value of SEO work
28 February 2015
How do you measure the ongoing value of SEO work? With email marketing or paid search you invest time and money into specific campaigns and …
Worried about the SEO threat from Pigeons? Find the solution at sea!
29 December 2014
Many online companies in the UK, Australia and Canada will need to spend January assessing the impact of Google releasing the latest Pigeon algorithm update. …
The Penguin 2.0 Update
28 December 2014
Google has rolled out Penguin 2.0. In a nutshell the type of websites that have been affected include porn sites, game sites and some of …
The Pigeon has landed in London
28 December 2014
Just before Christmas 2014, the Google search update named pigeon flew into the UK search results. This particular type of pigeon has already been pecking …