Marketing & Web Development for 20+ years
More PPC advice From BBC games shows
13 September 2013
An earlier ExtraDigital article used thought experiments on choice to help with advanced PPC analysis. This article highlights how the gaming behind TV quiz programmes can …
Integrating your Website with other Office systems
11 September 2013
Organisations today have a large amount of data stored digitally, often on different systems. The challenge facing many organisations is how to share or transfer …
Standing desks, chair-based logins and toast
9 September 2013
Occupational health is an important aspect of office life, especially with the digital lifestyles and increased amount of office work on computers for long periods …
Embracing change for happiness and profitability
8 September 2013
An interesting weekend article on the BBC website regarding change is at first counter intuitive, but a deeper analysis highlights how you can use some …
Badgers and Google Circles
6 September 2013
Thinking about badgers can show how Google Circles is a way of placing contacts in multiple groups, and is not a classification or unique filing …
Impact of choice on eCommerce Profits
31 August 2013
Earlier this week I was re-reading and article on the impact of numbers of choices (the jam study by Sheena Lyengar and Mark Lepper) that …
Naver SEO – over 70% market share in the search engine market
28 August 2013
Google dominates some markets but not all. Take South Korea for example, where the market is dominated by Naver, a search engine that is very …
A Responsive site in 4 Weeks
22 August 2013
You may have heard about how many businesses are adopting responsive designs as a result in a change in the way their consumers are accessing …
Ensure your social marketing is the best
21 August 2013
Social marketing is now a key part of search marketing and should be included in any digital marketing plans. But how do you know how …
If it’s a cat don’t say it’s a dog
16 August 2013
An important point in marketing is correct labelling of services or products. Your keywords, your main message and services or products should all align. Henan …
Targeted advertising – reinventing the wheel rather than a new idea.
12 August 2013
Digital or online advertising has many ways of targeting the ads to your particular market segment. Digital marketing channels may advertise this ‘targeting’ as ‘new’ …
Pinterest launches new ‘Price Alerts’
5 August 2013
Pinterest have recently announced a brand new ‘price alerts’ service that notifies Pinterest users that items they have pinned are on offer or available at …