Marketing & Web Development for 20+ years
April Fools Day 2014 – Best Digital & Social Pranks
1 April 2014
April Fools day is always a fun day in digital marketing with so many companies looking to get extra branding coverage out of doing something …
LinkedIn Products & Services Page – No Longer Supported
31 March 2014
If you have a company page on LinkedIn with a products and services tab then you need to be aware that LinkedIn will be retiring …
Showcasing Your Business with LinkedIn
31 March 2014
In its recent move stopping support for products and services tabs on company pages it’s clear that LinkedIn is very keen for businesses to use …
Is Your Website a Booking Delight?
26 March 2014
5 Ways to give your customers booking website design heaven. If you have a booking based website you want it to give you all the …
Why Responsive Design Benefits Your SEO
25 March 2014
Responsive design, for those who don’t already know, refers to a website’s design ability to reformat itself and respond to the different dimensions that come …
Bayesian statistics in the news and in marketing
24 March 2014
Bayesian statistics is in the news again as it has been used to help track the last known locations of the plane MH370. In this …
Early Bird discount for SMX Ends Friday
24 March 2014
Search Marketing Expo (SMX London) really has something For everyone this year whether you’re a designer, developer or work in advertising, marketing or PR your …
Pattern Libraries, Code Modules or Widgets
21 March 2014
Pattern Libraries, Code Modules or Widgets are all the same. They are different names, coined by different groups of people to bring order, structure and …
Stop your employees using .gmail or .outlook email addresses for work
20 March 2014
When working on Internet Marketing accounts for businesses we see a large number of accounts setup incorrectly – often by marketing agencies. This means a …
Facebook Advertising for eCommerce Shop
20 March 2014
ExtraDigital have recently completed a Facebook advertising campaign for an online shop that wanted to increase their Facebook likes and attract more visitors to their …
Why Every Business Should Advertise on Facebook
19 March 2014
Last month Facebook celebrated its tenth birthday. Over the past decade Facebook’s users have grown and grown, in fact in there are now over 1.23 …
eCommerce – Handling No-Longer Available Products
18 March 2014
If you run an online store you will naturally from time to time have products that are no longer able, however, simply deleting this products …