An important point in marketing is correct labelling of services or products. Your keywords, your main message and services or products should all align.
Henan zoo in China has got into trouble for labelling dogs as cats (or lions) and foxes as leopards. This has caused great anger and visitors have felt cheated.
Apparently this happened whilst the lion had been moved to breeding facility, but without this information the zoo visitors were left feeling cheated.
Exactly the same principle applies to websites. If you click on an ad for a cat and end up with a dog you are not happy. Disgruntled, you leave. Web ads should lead to the correct landing page with the product or service matching that described in the advert.
According to Rachel Cornish the same applies for non paid or natural search advertising. This is most effective when the search results shows a listing for the same product or service, and this links through to a page with this clearly on.
Audible as well as visual considerations
A second learning point from this news story is that if you are going to pretend one animal is another then you need to consider the audible as well as the visual. Apparently (as the story goes) it was the ‘bark’ that gave away the fact the animal was not in fact a lion.