Poster Design Tool

A Poster Design Tool built for
companies to use in-house

Looking for a cost-effective way to offer promotional flyers, fundraising posters, or branded posters, but wary of the prices graphic designers can charge? We’ve got the solution – your very own internal poster design tool.

The past few months we worked with Trinity Hospice and Brian House Children’s Hospice to design branded internal poster tools for each. This work built on the tool we developed last year for St.Catherine’s Hospice and featured some enhancements in the form of custom image uploads on select designs.

We worked closely with their design department to produce the designs needed to power the design tool and worked in parallel with their rebranding to have the tools ready to launch with their brand new websites.

Not only are we proud of the design and development work we’ve done with them, but we are humbled and proud to know that we’ve taken part in helping families in need raise funds needed for their children’s treatments.

Poster Design Tool

What is an internal poster design tool?

In a nutshell, it’s an online poster maker. The tools we developed give families and hospice staff the ability to create branded posters for their fundraising efforts. The user can select page size and a design category,; then they can personalise it by adding and editing text or changing size and colour. Once they are satisfied, they can simply fill out a form and the PDF will be sent straight to their email. We developed these tools with an admin system that allows the care centre to upload new poster backgrounds ongoing.

Step 1. Choose your design

Step 2. Personalise your design

Step 3. For some designs – custom image upload

Step 4. Receive your design in an email

Poster Design Tool

Who can benefit from the Poster Design Tool?

Whether you’re a charity, not-for-profit organisation, medical centre, or the NHS, an internal poster design tool will not only save your company money, but it will provide your company, your patients and your patients family with the means to easily fundraise using recognisably branded materials.

Our Experience

Poster Design Tool

Our designers will work alongside you to clearly understand your brand and the core objectives of the task. Through discussion and wireframing exercises, they will propose the best step forward, suggesting a concise design that meets your marketing objectives while remaining true to your brand identity.

With the influx of mobile-use over the past few years, we take a mobile-first approach to design and development, ensuring that our websites work seamlessly from mobile to desktop, creating a consistent experience and expectation across all platforms.

Thinking a poster design tool, or something similar, might be of use to you? Get in touch with our friendly team today who will be happy to discuss any design objectives you may have!

Multilingual Marketing

15 languages

To date, ExtraDigital have developed digital experiences in over 15 languages, from Arabic to Chinese, German to Japanese. We also boast, native in-house speakers for key languages.

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Please be sure to tell us as much about your project as possible. Once we have received your enquiry, a member of our experienced team will get back to you to discuss your requirements.
