April Fools Day 2014 – Best Digital & Social Pranks

April Fools day is always a fun day in digital marketing with so many companies looking to get extra branding coverage out of doing something wacky. Here is our round-up of our favourites

Domino’s Pizza Edibox

Katie, one of our eCommerce SEO specialist account managers favourite was:

Ever finished off a pizza and wished there was more? Now there can be, with the first ever edible pizza box courtesy of Domino’s. The ‘Edibox’ will be available from today for all those pizza lovers so make sure you get your hands on yours.

April Fools Day 2014 - Best Digital & Social Pranks

This is definitely a life changing invention, not just for our taste buds and epic meal times but also for the environment. This invention means no more packaging. It’s a win-win for us and for the environment, definitely an excuse to get dialling today and order your own edibox from Dominos.

The BMW Ultimate Sleeping Machine

Emma our not for profit marketing specialist account manager loved the BMW’s idea:

BMW are advertising their latest addition to the BMW family: The BMW ZZZ series. The new range has a number of features which include a illuminate night light, smartphone controlled technology and premium BMW leather interior. BMW have produced a new range that will help your baby to sleep better, for longer, in safety and comfort!

April Fools Day 2014 - Best Digital & Social Pranks

BMW are currently advertised their new range on the BMW website where you can see the latest advert which is not yet on TV! This is a one off opportunity to get in there first and register your interest to take your little one for a test drive when it arrives in October!

 Google Maps: Pokémon Challenge

Mike, one of our B2B SEO specialists, favoured one of Google’s April fools gags:

In Google’s latest maps update, users are challenged to a real life Pokémon challenge. According to Google, the mini game is part of Googles recruitment process. In order to earn a job, candidates must catch all 150 of the original Pokémon that are available in the original game. The maps app will take you to the location of the Pokémon Lab, which will be surrounded by Pokémon that users can tap to catch. Sadly, the Pokémon aren’t real, but maybe one day!

He even managed to catch one just 4 miles down the road from our London office.

April Fools Day 2014 - Best Digital & Social Pranks

Alpkit loGo

For Sean, our head of marketing, it had to be the AlpKit Logo project:

loGo is an innovative and futureproof solution that gives network buyers, programme makers and presenters the garment technology they need to balance their commercial liabilities, editorial integrity and independence from external interests without sacrificing the quality and reliability of a trusted technical clothing brand.

Apart from being very funny (Mundane, Crab, brilliant!!), it was also a sideways stab at the slight double standards of the BBC who do not carry advertising but allow their field reporters to be emblazoned with logos of the biggest outdoor companies.


Apple Mac

It was not just these companies that go into the trickery that is April Fools, we did as well. We created an eCommerce shop displaying various jokey items including Apple Macs and Goals (by Apple Macs we mean actual Macs for your apples and by Goals we mean football goals of course).

We of course poked fun at the various Google updates that affect our industry, providing items such as Panda Steps, Hummingbird Deterrent, Penguin Beaters and Mouse Guards.

On top of this eCommerce store we also created a true mobile page, we literally created a page that was mobile and moved around the site. Various other changes were made to our site, this included amending our case studies page of our site to be an actual case study page where we compared various cases and included lots of images for you to study.

Of course we did not forget the true meaning of April Fools, Fish! We created a page devoted to the history of April Fools in France, little bit of a history lesson for you all that we hoped you enjoyed.

We managed to trick a fair few people through this work and certainly had a lot of fun in the process. Have a scout around on our site for yourself before they are all gone as we get back into the more serious days of the year.

Happy April Fool’s Day, you have been tricked.

April Fools 2014

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